BungeeTabListPlus Integration

From PurpleIRC Wiki
Revision as of 14:11, 9 June 2017 by Cnaudeadmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sample configuration of BungeeTabListPlus. This will put the IRC users into a separate list. <<code>> showTo: "all" priority: 100 type: DYNAMIC_SIZE showHeaderFooter: true...")
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Sample configuration of BungeeTabListPlus. This will put the IRC users into a separate list.

<> showTo: "all"

priority: 100


showHeaderFooter: true


 # Shows hidden players no matter what.
   filter: "true"
   hiddenPlayers: "VISIBLE"
 # Puts all IRC players from PurpleBungeeIRC into "webchat". This is used for showing [IRC] syntax in the tab-list and for the footer. Remember to set IRC as 'irc-minecraft-server-name' in PurpleBungeeIRC config.yml.
   filter: ${player server} == "IRC"
   hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE
 #Puts all players ingame players that are not on IRC into "regular_players". This is used for the footer.
   hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE
   filter: |-
     ${player server} != "IRC"

playerSet: global

playerOrder: "serverAlphabetically,worldName,alphabetically"

playerComponent: !conditional

 condition: ${player server} == "IRC"
 false: {text: "&7[${player server}]${player bungeeperms_prefix}&f ${player name}", icon: "${player skin}", ping: "${player ping}"}
 true: {text: "&8[IRC]&f ${player name}", icon: "${player skin}", ping: "${player ping}"}

footer: - "&fPlayers: ${playerset:regular_players size} &7- &fIRC: ${playerset:IRC size}\n"

header: - "Your servername"

headerAnimationUpdateInterval: 1

footerAnimationUpdateInterval: 10 <>