From PurpleIRC Wiki
The PurpleIRC plugin will attempt to hook into several plugins.
Chat Hooks
- mcMMO admin and party chats.
- FactionChat chat modes. (public, ally and enemy)
- HeroChat Global, all channels or specific channels.
- TitanChat chat manager.
- TownyChat chat manager. See FAQ.
- Dynmap web chat.
- AdminPrivateChat
Other Hooks
- CleverNotch bot messages.
- ReportRTS ticket notifications.
- VanishNoPacket. Prevents IRC from announcing vanished players. If you need FakeJoin and FakeQuit events use the customized version.
- Shortify URL shortener. 1.8 and newer only
- RedditStream notifications.
- SuperVanish
- GriefPrevention - Soft muted messages won't appear in IRC.